Assessment of the environmental footprint of the Public Cloud

At the end of 2023, Boavizta and the CRIP launched the first major study on the environmental footprint of the Public Cloud as assessed by its users. What best practices? What tools are available?
After a quarter of data analysis, Boavizta is pleased to publish the results of this first major survey of its kind.

Our ambition

Organisations are aiming to assess and reduce the environmental impact of their Public Cloud usage. However, they face obstacles due to fragmented data and tools that are still incomplete.
This study provides an initial market overview of the maturity of this assessment and highlights the expectations of French organisations towards Public Cloud providers.

This study aims to :

  1. Assess the maturity of organisations in evaluating the environmental impact of their Public Cloud usage
  2. Identify actions and decisions aimed at reducing the environmental impacts of the Public Cloud
  3. communicate to Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) the expectations from organisations to accelerate the maturity of measurement tools

Main Topics

Assessing the environmental footprint of public cloud services is a subject that is correlated with organisations’ cloud usage. We wanted to gather these contextual elements through 5 themes :

  • Cloud Adoption (Used CSP, workload Cloud %, maturity & adoption)
  • Green IT/Sustainable IT strategy (Measurement strategy, IT carbon footprint, organisational maturity of measurement)
  • Assessment of the environmental impact of the Public Cloud (Bottom-up or top-down approach, sponsors, motivational factors)
  • Evaluation practices and tools (Tools & methodological guides, expectations towards suppliers)
  • Feedback & Decisions

Categories of participants

69 participants, representing 61 unique organisations, answered the survey (61% large companies, 16% mid-sized companies and 14% small and medium companies)

Discover our survey

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