Here you will find all the data repositories produced by the entire Boavizta collective.
Framework and Regulations of Digital technology
Objectives of this deliverable:
Present the main regulatory or voluntary frameworks structuring environmental and social reporting in digital technology.
Allow an organization to identify whether it is subject to this framework, and under what conditions.
Boavizta Collaborative Scientific Library
The members of Boavizta association have created an open-source library of scientific resources that is freely accessible to everyone. This library gathers references and research documents, carefully explained and categorized, focusing on assessing the environmental impact of digital technology. It provides users with the opportunity to explore and deepen their understanding of key topics related to responsible digital practices.
Objectives of this deliverable:
To offer a free, open-access collection of relevant scientific resources covering various aspects of responsible digital practices.
To enable all users to explore scientific references and research documents organized by specific themes.
To give Boavizta members the opportunity to contribute and update resources, ensuring the library is continuously enriched.